Peachick pictures added....


8 Years
Feb 26, 2011
Ok well I haven't seen the wild peahen and I assumed something got her cuz she was gone for a long time. I just happen to be looking through my bionoculars and to my surpise there she was on a board on a damaged shed. So I went over to her with my net becasue if I don't catch the wild peacocks the amimals cops will!
Anyway she was roosting on that log and I thought it was strange she didn't fly away when I came near her. Then a little white head popped out from under her, I was so excited for her my heart sank,
and then she hissed at me and I was thinking of a way to catch her and her peachick then another white peachick popped out from her other wing
So I got behind her and tried to net her but that didn't work and she flew off before I could put the net over her, her 2 babies dropped and I caught one of them the other ran away.

The mom would not quit honking so I sat down in some bushes were she couldn't see me and let her baby make nosie, she would honk but she would get further and further away. So I took the peachick home with me. It would not be quite, so I went back leaving the peachick under the heatlamp in a fish tank. And there was the mom and her other peachick in the same spot. Before I could even hold my net up she flew about 70ft away up in a 50ft tree. The other chick was just laying there on the ground so I scooped it up too. With all that noise going on I attracked 2 falcons that were flying right above my head, so I couldn't leave the chick alone without it's mom. As I was walking back there was another white peachick but it was dead
it had its legs torn off and it was basically gutted. It was rock soild, so I assumed it had been there for a while?

The chicks look like they just barely hatched yesterday. They wont be quite unless I hold them tightly. I put a towel under my shirt and I have the babies in it by the way the are on my lap under my shirt sleeping as I type this
They really like it they spread their feet out and sleep for hours, sometimes they will wake up and clean their feather out and shake all the feathers. One chick is Blackshoulder for sure it has gold wings which is common for that mom she had baby last year that I now have who is a yearling and she is a blackshoulder peahen. Then the other one has white wings with a yellow body. So does that mean it is a white chick?

I have always wanted to raise peachicks so they would be friendly, but sadly I did not hatch these chicks and I can't live with myself for taking them
that would be like someone taking my child
But it was for their own good or else they would have been eaten. Tommorow I am going to try and catch the mom with all my will. If I can't catch her I will just take the peachicks to her. Will she accept them? I really hope I catch her if I don't the animal cops will. Oh man, there is also this girl who is another one of my mean neighbors, and the wild peacocks like to hang around in her yard so she shoots them with a BB or pellet gun
it makes me really mad! I hope she won't shoot the peachicks
If she does she is a cold hearted B*$@# What should I do? I never attended on taking them away from her but she really didn't give me a choice. I will post pictures of the chicks tommorow. PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
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C&Rman :

If she does she is a cold hearted B*$@#

Ok first stop giving her a title!
That is a name that is earned - not given! There is nothing wrong with what you did. Try to catch her and if you do be sure to watch her reaction with the chicks. Some will take them back - then some will not. I would not give up on catching her if it was me
Lol indeed she did earn it. I won't give up on catching her it's just i'm afraid that the longer I wait the more they will forget about eachother

Oh also one of the chicks is doing a yawning thing does it have worms?
You might be able to entice her to come down if you have an empty pen where you can put the chicks in a brooder inside of the pen and leave the door open. If she comes down to investigate, you might be able to just close the door behind her. I know several people who have done this in various enticements.
I did something similar I have a live animal trap and it has a back door and I opened it ans stapled hardware cloth on it, and put a box up on the backside, the only way she can see them is if she goes into the trap. I am hoping this will work if not I will put a bigger pen up.
Ok well I got some pictures today. I couldn't catch the mom she flew away from me everytime and it stormed so hard last night I think it was best I took them. It is raining and thundering right now so I will have to keep them until I catch the mom. Anyway can you tell me what breeds these little bugers are? We have bonded quite a bit. They cherp and whistle all day unless i hold them. They are both now yawning do they have worms?????


I would guess BS cause the one in the back looks to have a light tan flight feathers so does the one on the right in the bottom picture or is it just from the way your light his hitting them?
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Oh sorry those were bad pictures, I got them out and let them forage and look out the window. I was pretty sure one was a BS but the other one has white flight feathers, I am not sure what that indicates....

This is the one I know is BS



Oh my gosh how cute!!!
Looks like one bs and one white to me but that's just a guess. They are better off with you than running around getting shot at by neighbors in my opinion.

**edit** My chicks do the yawning thing sometimes right after eating a lot. I read on the injuries section concerning chicken chicks that if they are to young to be exposed to worms that they are most likely just adjusting the food in the crop. Not sure if this applies to peachicks also. Maybe somebody else will.
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