Peacock with bloody watery stool


Jun 7, 2020
Hi all! A few weeks ago a beautiful male peacock showed up at our house. I tried to find his owners , no luck. We have been feeding him as we researched was appropriate and his poo has been totally fine.
this morning he did not greet us when we went out to feed him He is at his roost site and there is bloody, watery, mucoid diarrhea. And he won’t eat. He is skittish and not catchable, I’m not sure how to help. I’m a vet tech, I can do a decal on him tomorrow but unsure how or if I could get meds in him. Any suggestions are welcome thank you!
Welcome to BYC. Lots of things can cause bloody poop, but you will need to catch him. If he were mine I would treat with metronidazole, enrofloxacin, fenbendazole, and amprolium. I would also give him subcutaneous fluids and tube feed him.
Welcome to BYC. Lots of things can cause bloody poop, but you will need to catch him. If he were mine I would treat with metronidazole, enrofloxacin, fenbendazole, and amprolium. I would also give him subcutaneous fluids and tube feed him.
Thank you. I’m experienced with tube feeding,and I have fenbendazole, metronidazole and enrofloxacin. I’ll look up the amprolium. Thanks so much, wish us luck!
If you catch him, can you do a fecal? Check for worm eggs, coccidia, flagellate protozoa (histomoniasis and giardia), bacteria, and yeast.
If you catch him, can you do a fecal? Check for worm eggs, coccidia, flagellate protozoa (histomoniasis and giardia), bacteria, and yeast.
Yes I plan to take a fecal to work tomorrow. He has perked up a little. We haven’t tried to catch him yet. He did eat, ( whew )

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