Oh, don't we all! I got her about a month ago, along with A West-of-England-Tumbler. I feel horrible, because two nights ago, my male raped her. I had to stop it. But she has been tense lately.
Other than that, she is a great cute bird!
Thanks for the compliments!
Oh, don't we all! I got her about a month ago, along with A West-of-England-Tumbler. I feel horrible, because two nights ago, my male raped her. I had to stop it. But she has been tense lately.
Other than that, she is a great cute bird!
Thanks for the compliments!

well i want a scandroon, i dont know what, maybe the goofy look, but i love those things!!
Aww, well hope she feels better
where did you get her and how do you have her cage set up? i want to convince my mom to get me at least a rock dove, our neighbor catches them and has pretty ones so i might be able to buy one, he has a hunting dog he uses them for, he sacrificed a BEAUTIFUL one to hunting purposes
they easy to care for. like very delicate? I know a rock dove would survive here but I would still let it live inside, how big of a cage does it need and do they want to live in pairs?
I bought her at the Northeastern Poultry "Congress" for a whole five dollars. She was a steal!
Being a young BYCer, and wanting to keep the tradition going, once she mates, I will send you her eggs/ chicks for free! They are pretty easy to care for. In the winter I keep them in my house, but i built them an aviary for the warmer weather. I will post pictures tonight! They prefer living in pairs and get lonely and die if not. Sorry to say.
But the cage doesn't have to be huge, and I let them fly around the house all day. The cage they sleep in is maybe 4' by 3' by 3' and is really just a converted armoire with chicken wire instead of wood.

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