

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 12, 2014
Vacaville, California
I'm back again with another problem! No surprise there. Jennis head has healed,
(Turns out it was her comb that was bleeding, and Glenn had been pecking her!) I fixed the problem but lo and behold glenn has started another one. She is pecking Jenni again.. I just noticed this today so I'm trying to stop it asap. I have a dog crate to put one in if she is injured or anything but when I put Glenn in there, she just gets angry and pecks her more. The last thing I want to do is give her away or get her beak clipped. She was fine after jenni healed until now. Any suggestions on how I can stop Glenn from pecking jenni but without really hurting her?? Thank you
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Pecking order.
I don't know anything about their names. It would be more helpful to give us the breeds and sexes rather than names.
We need to know ages, size of the coop and run and feeds provided.

If one separates birds based on bullying or pecking, they shouldn't remove the subservient, they should remove the bully. If anyone wants to know why, I can elaborate.
Jenni is a white cochin
Glenn is a aracauna
Miley is an americauna. Miley isn't in this situation but I figured I'll include her too. All hens, I think they're 2 years maybe? When I got them I didn't know anything about them but I knew they were chicks. they were just left on our property with 2 other chicks and a rooster. We separated them when I found out I could only have 3. Their coop is average sized, maybe a little small but we couldn't afford a pre made coop so we made our own. It is a nice spacious coop in my opinion. It's the best we could give them. I'm not sure what you're asking on the last question but I'm assuming you mean what we feed them. Just normal crumble, and sometimes I give them snacks like things that are healthy like fruits and vegetables and sometimes other things like bread. Yes, I did separate the hurt one for a few days, but only so she could heal and once she was healed i let her sleep with them(she would only spend the day in the crate when I was at school but when I got home I let her out with the others) the crate was in the cage so she wasn't completely separated. I now separate glenn(the bully) because there is no reason for her to peck jenn now. (Sorry for sending just the first line earlier, my phone glitched or something)
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cage Glenn, where she can see Jennis, but can't get to her for a couple days, then introduce Jennis again. Rinse, repeat if necessary.
Thank you! I will try this and see if it helps. Do you think if I put bacitracin on Jenni's comb it will heal faster? Glenn has broken the skin and it is on the verge of bleeding which will make everything worse!
You may put a little bacitracin, or neosporin WITHOUT the pain reliever on it if you wish. Remember, anything ending with "cain" like novacain, lidocain, etc. will kill a chicken.

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