Personality help in my showbird


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 12, 2011
Hi guys. I decided a few months ago that I was going to show my mottled Cochin Rosita in our county fair. Unfortunately, Rosie recently went broody, and has now lost the feathers on her belly, so I can't show her. luckily, I have another mottled Cochin, Rue (yes, that is a Hunger Games reference ;) ) who hasn't lost any feathers, who I can show in Rosie's place. The only problem is that Rue is Rosie's Daughter who was raised with next to no human contact, and so she is really skittish and pecks me. She seems OK when I hold her, but when I'm trying to pick her up she goes berserk! I only found out I'm showing Rue yesterday (Tuesday) and the drop off for our fair is this Saturday! Does anybody have any suggestions on helping her? Any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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