Pet, Breeder or Show???'s PIC HEAVY


Crooked Creek Poultry
8 Years
Sep 20, 2011
I have two pair of Pilgrims, I have read some on the traits you look for in breeder and show quality. I think these are nice pairs but I am not sure. What do you all think Pet, breeder or show? I wish I had a pic of the girls heads, I will try to get one tonight at post it later here.





You could enter a couple of your best into a show and see what the judge thinks. Even if you don't win, you will have a good time and meet some very nice people.

If you are interested in showing, buy a copy of the SOP and then you can check the easy to see things like leg and bill color and weight.
There is a goose section in the American Standard of Perfection from the APA. That is what you would use for show geese. I believe that the other Standard of Perfection is just for bantam chickens. Some one will correct me if I am wrong. I don't have bantam chickens, so I have never looked at that book. The other one is put out by the Bantam Association, so I would be surprised if there are geese in it.
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The APA covers US and Canada. Other countries have their own Standards and they don't always agree. I think the UK may have more geese since they are traditional Christmas meals there.

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