Photos of some of my girls. I just lie to take pics of them, lol.

Turtles Mommy

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 28, 2014




=( The last photo is of Turtle. I named her that due to her red turtleneck. She is missing now. They were free ranging in the yard and my dog got out. Out of 9 birds.....2 dead and one missing, Turtle. I am so upset. I couldn't sleep last night and got up this am to run outside to see if she had come home. Still no show. My others wandered home one by one after what I am now calling "Chickenghazi".
That's the tough part about free-ranging but don't give up hope just yet. Not finding her any traces of her isn't necessarily a bad sign. People have lost birds for days, weeks even and sometimes the hens will wander home with chicks they'd hatch out while they were away. If she's survived, she just may be waiting for things to settle down a bit more before showing herself. Wishing you the best!

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