picked on blue slate


5 Years
Aug 24, 2014
I have a pair of black Spanish and a lone blue slate tom that have been raised from day old together. Spot, the slate, is getting picked on by mainly the hen, Penny. I noticed yesterday that his toes are bloody and watched Penny pick at them. He is walking with obvious pain this morning so I locked up the Spanish to hopefully give him time to heal. We are looking for a few hens for him and can hopefully get some this weekend at a swap. He seems so lonely! Any suggestions? If I get more hens will it get better? I like them and really want to have them running around our farm.
I would put an an anti-pick lotion on his toes. It tastes really nasty but doesn't hurt either bird. It will help hide the blood and allow the toes to heal.
He is picking at them a lot now so I am spraying a natural wound spray. He will seem better for a day then gets weak and wobbly. He did survive a bout if blackhead that killed my slate hen. Apple cider vinegar is in all waterers again and I'm giving him tetracycline. I just don't want to lose him, he is my favorite bird. Any help on whether or not getting him slate hens will help? And thanks for the suggestion, I've never had this issue and didn't know about the lotion. Will try to find some tomorrow.
You can find anti-pick lotion at most farm supply stores. I like 'Rooster Booster anti pick lotion'.
I don't know whether getting him a hen or two would help as far as the others picking on him. But I imagine it would sure make him happy!
My handsome Spot sadly passed away last night. He was eating and drinking. Walked kinda wobbly though for a couple days. No clue? Black Spanish are both very healthy so maybe just loneliness. Thanks for your suggestions.

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