Well, My daughter and I left this morning at 7am and picked up our chicks and were back home by 10:30.. Not bad, even though I roasted our butts off on the drive home to keep the babies nice and warm. I am soooo happy with the group. I bought the 25 rainbow pullet pack and received 1 extra chick with that. I also got 5 blue andalusian roos. They even sent and extra roo too..lol Then of course I forgot that you get that free exotic. I was so worried that I wouldnt be able to tell which one it was but my daughter noticed that we had only 1 feather legged in the bunch so that answered my question. I will get pics of the different groups in a few days when they are settled in. I ordered 30 and received 33. Everyone is doing fine, eating and drinking. Of course I have 6 otheres that hatched last night so there are even more in my brooder. Also from what I could tell I received at least 6 to 7 different breeds with my rainbow pack!! Way to go!!! The waiting starts. Jenn
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