The chicklets are 3 1/2 weeks old now and I think I'm figuring out what they are. I'd love to hear if you think I'm right or not. First I'll show you what they looked like day old, and then now. BTW, they were all named by my 8 and 10 yo DD.
4 NH Reds, all pullets?
3 Blue Cochin, all pullets?
3 Black Australorps, all pullets?
2 Gold Sex Links, pullets?
3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, all roos or all pullets?
5 Buff Cochins, 3-5 roos?
4 NH Reds, all pullets?
3 Blue Cochin, all pullets?
3 Black Australorps, all pullets?
2 Gold Sex Links, pullets?
3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, all roos or all pullets?
5 Buff Cochins, 3-5 roos?