Pics of Guinea Housing


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Rougemont, NC
It's official, we're getting guineas! We were already considering getting a few for bug control, but now we're definitely getting some. My DH and I (and our Bostons) were sitting on the deck drinking a beer, watching the chickens play in the yard when the dogs started going frantic. They ran out to the corner of their fenced in area and started barking like crazy. Usually a deer or squirrel, but not tonight...two foxes just trotting along through the edge of the woods. We immediately took off running to gather up the chickens. We considered mounting a shot gun to the corner of the deck to pick them off next time they come around, but then decided that the guineas might be a better idea.

Annnyyway, long story short, we're getting guineas and we would LOVE to see your pics of guinea housing so we have an idea of what we would like to build for them. Any and all pics you can provide would be fantastic!

Thanks a bunch!
I don't blame you. They do make good guard dogs. I did have 2 and they were very good at sounding the alarm.
I am into it again, but for those reasons and others.
Good idea for a thread. I hope a few respond. I actually think I will make a basic small chicken type coop, separate from my chickens. I don't want them together. I have big plans for mine.
We are modifying an 8x10 shed to accommodate their preference for a higher roosting spot than a chicken coop would provide, but it's not here yet! I am very excited about it though and will definitely share pictures when I can.
would love to see housing, mine roost in the tree, but if i had to get more, i train them to a coop- so far i haven't lost any, sometimes they will roost on the porch, but from what i have read, when they are little train them to come into the coop at nite- mine love millet, so they come in for that, but won't stay in the coop for the chickens
The Fox Will Take Your Guineas As Well!

Have to agree. Don't count on the guineas to keep the foxes away. They will alert all the other animals there is a problem but will not keep the foxes from coming into your yard. We lost one of the first guineas we bought to a fox. The four of them were down by the pond about dusk and my husband stepped into the house for a minute before going back to check that the guineas got roosted up in the trees. Three were in the trees and the other had disappeared - nothing left but some feathers. He is sure that a fox got it. We soon got a great pyranese dog and she does a great job keeping the unwanted off our property.​
A large group of guineas will defend territory, 2 males and 4 females would be sufficient. My neighbor has 4 that free range 2 males 2 females and they think my yard is their yard and they will attack dogs that run loose. They learned to deal with mine the original older guineas, but at first they'd run at my dogs and kick up a fuss and have my dogs running scared.

Though if you have them housed, I doubt they will they will get the cornered fear instinct and probably just panic and not fight or do their intimidation stuff.

I dont have pics of housing the 4 adults are free range and the 6 teenagers are in with the teenage chickens for about another week or two then they'll be let loose with the adult 4. The adult 4 roost on top of chicken coops or sheds on hot nights or 20-50 feet up in the pine trees.
Okay, I'll show mine.

I have two Guinea coops. Mine roost in them every night. I shut the door after dark and let them out in the morning.

Here is the first coop I built: and

The coop part, painted red, is 4 x 8 feet. the covered run is 8 x 8 feet. Since they always free-range, the run doesn't have to conform to a bird per square foot rule. I covered the run as an after thought just to provide roosting space in the rafters.

Here is the second one:

I'm keeping it much more open than the first coop. In this climate I don't think they need 4 walls in the winter. The overall size is 8 x 12 feet.

Both coops have scrap plywood leaning against the inside corner to make a nice, private dark place to lay eggs.
Guineas are about like chickens, when they reach the age to be out of the house and brooder - about 4-5 weeks old or even younger you can start during the warm day run around in their housing and run area. (I really like racuda's open air guinea hut BTW) Then when they are old enough to be out 24/7 keep them confined to the housing for a couple weeks, let them get used to understanding thats where their normal food water and safe sleeping spaces are. then start letting them out during the day then watch them close the first few nights to possibly help herd them back if they don't remember.
...I've done this with ducks and peafowl as a kid helping my parents and other family members with fowl. Also my own chickens in the past and present who free range. I figure its about the same.

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