I got the kids into their new condo last night, they seem to be enjoying it. I have named the roo Cedric and I haven't gotten the girls named yet. I am open to suggestions.
I like what you did with those squares-I dug a bunch of those out of the garbage last year-now I know what to do with them! Tell me how big that space is and if they are content with that space. Mine are just little yet so I dont know how much room they will need.
I found the directions for the cage at http://members.aol.com/bunrabtoo/neatcubs.html I have a open version for my torts( those will be redone this summer). It is 4 squares long 2 deep and 2 high. they seem to be enjoying it but I will probably add on to it this summer. Maybe someday I would like to show them but there doesn't seem to be a lot of shows around here and the dog shows cost enough.
I really like these little birds and their sing song voices, even if his crow sounds like a broken dog squeaky toy haha. I am sure as he matures it will improve ha ha I just got these birds from Denna(fdnick) last week. Thanks I love em