Pics of the Silkies I hatched Tuesday. Possible Porcelain?


9 Years
Mar 19, 2010
Spring Branch
I love hatching Silkies! They have got to be the cutest dang chicks I have ever seen! These are hatched from KinderKorner's eggs. She sent me a nice mix and I had great results. We've been going back and forth via PMs trying to figure out what colors I got lucky with. I don't think she's seen the pics yet but I thought I'd share with all of you as well.

From left to right-Porcelain(?), White, and Splash (?)

Top view in same order
Wow they are so cute. Really great toe spacing on that white!

I'm really not sure on the colors. I'm nearly positive on your guesses with the white and splash. But the other has got me stumped. I have one that hatched like that too. Mine is a little darker I think. Looks like mine is feathering in as a white. But I'm still hoping for porcelain.

You got real lucky on the colors. My favorties.
Glad to see a happy customer. Another lady shipped at the same time and got no chicks. Of course my B/B/S silkies which she wants have gone broody. And I can't send replacments right now. I think she is tired of waiting. I feel so bad. Darn birds.

I'll be watching for updated pictures.
Awww so cute ! I agree with ya , the silkies are so fun to hatch cause they are just so darned cute !

Sorry not sure if its a porcelain chick , don't have any of those yet but been thinking about getting some if i decide i have room for another color that is .
I don't know if you can tell in the pic but the lighter colored areas on the chick to the left are a light blueish hue. I just about have every color of Silkie now if those two chicks are a Splash and Porcelain.
I will be taking lots of progress pics to show how their colors come in.

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