Pictures of my Delaware Blue Cockeral **More pics added**


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
I just thought I would share a few pictures of my little man...well one of them anyway!! He is starting to get some really pretty brownish feathers on his head and neck!! Can;t wait to see his adult plumage!

This is Caesar!! He is my little puppy dog, follows me everywhere!



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Thank you! I think so too! He will make some pretty babies on the spring!!

I got 8 of them because I thought it would be pretty cool to own the Delaware State Bird! He turned out to be my only roo!! He is a sweetie despite the reputation that they have for being so mean and aggressive! The University said that it had pretty much been bred out of them, but groups of roosters may still fight, but over all they mix in well with any flock!

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