Here is some of my cockatiels and parakeet.
White Faced
Cinammon (Supposed to be a pair)
Unfriendly Grey
My crazy grey lol (Friendly and talks, says "Pretty Bird", Wolf whistles, Calls the cat and dogs, and does the Andy Griffith show tune) =]
My Blue Cochin Roo
My BCM pullet
My Splash Silkie/Cochin mix hen
My Mille Fleur Serama Roo, "Tweak"
HAHAHAHAHA Had to put this on here
White Silkied Serama Rooster
Little Columbian Serama pullet
I dont know what color roo lol Serama
Black Serama Pullet
Mille Fleur Serama pullet
My Ginger Red Old English Game rooster
My Ginger Red Old English Game hen
My Coturnix Quail
My Birchen Modern Game hen
Another Mille Fleur Serama pullet
My silkie/ Cochin mix roo
My Silkie/ Cochin mix pullet
My Blue Maran cockerel, "Webster" (I had to perform surgery on both of his feet cause two toes on each foot were webbed, he's doing AWESOME! Thats his Crop thats huge lol)
My Cuckoo Maran pullet for Webster
My Mexican Speckled Bobwhite pair
Thats some of my birds (Not all of them lmbo!)
White Faced
Cinammon (Supposed to be a pair)
Unfriendly Grey
My crazy grey lol (Friendly and talks, says "Pretty Bird", Wolf whistles, Calls the cat and dogs, and does the Andy Griffith show tune) =]
My Blue Cochin Roo
My BCM pullet
My Splash Silkie/Cochin mix hen
My Mille Fleur Serama Roo, "Tweak"
HAHAHAHAHA Had to put this on here
White Silkied Serama Rooster
Little Columbian Serama pullet
I dont know what color roo lol Serama
Black Serama Pullet
Mille Fleur Serama pullet
My Ginger Red Old English Game rooster
My Ginger Red Old English Game hen
My Coturnix Quail
My Birchen Modern Game hen
Another Mille Fleur Serama pullet
My silkie/ Cochin mix roo
My Silkie/ Cochin mix pullet
My Blue Maran cockerel, "Webster" (I had to perform surgery on both of his feet cause two toes on each foot were webbed, he's doing AWESOME! Thats his Crop thats huge lol)
My Cuckoo Maran pullet for Webster
My Mexican Speckled Bobwhite pair
Thats some of my birds (Not all of them lmbo!)