Pink chickens?


Nov 1, 2016
I have a lavender ameracauna and a lavender silkie. Neither of them started out pink. The person says that the chicks aren’t dyed and it’s because they’re lavenders. “Not calling them liars but do all lavenders do this”? Neither of mine ever had any pink. they’re also Orpingtons.
Please don't believe everything you read/see.
I highly doubt they are telling the truth.
Its hard for me to see pic good enough to know what's going on.
As for "lavender orpington chicks" I've hatch many in the past and no they look nothing like those.
Have a feeling what you're thinking of as a lavender chick is the same as me.
Here is a pic of a lavender leghorn I hatched couple days ago.
Lavender in front. Chick in back is blue.

Its hard for me to see pic good enough to know what's going on.
As for "lavender orpington chicks" I've hatch many in the past and no they look nothing like those.
Have a feeling what you're thinking of as a lavender chick is the same as me.
Here is a pic of a lavender leghorn I hatched couple days ago.
Lavender in front. Chick in back is blue.

View attachment 1283826
The chicks are obviously dyed PINK.

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