Pink chickens?


Nov 1, 2016
View attachment 1283794 I have a lavender ameracauna and a lavender silkie. Neither of them started out pink. The person says that the chicks aren’t dyed and it’s because they’re lavenders. “Not calling them liars but do all lavenders do this”? Neither of mine ever had any pink. they’re also Orpingtons.
View attachment 1283794 I have a lavender ameracauna and a lavender silkie. Neither of them started out pink. The person says that the chicks aren’t dyed and it’s because they’re lavenders. “Not calling them liars but do all lavenders do this”? Neither of mine ever had any pink. they’re also Orpingtons.
I think that’s just the skin showing through the down
What kind of substrate did the seller have these chicks on? Pink sand (red clay mixed with sand)?
I’m not sure if the picture is working they’re on pine shavings. They said the feathers are pink naturally as they age. I asked why they’re dying the chicks and they basically called me ignorant of the breed.

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