Pink or blue???

mother hen 6

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 27, 2014
We were given some buff orphington Roos but we are beginning to suspect that one if them may be a hen. Your thoughts? Is it pink or blue?
We were given some buff orphington Roos but we are beginning to suspect that one if them may be a hen. Your thoughts? Is it pink or blue?

A picture might help, but I see you only have one post so probably cannot attach a photo. If you click the icon at the top of the screen with the mountains and sun on it, it will take you to an input screen for uploading pictures, however, I believe you must have a certain number of posts before you can do pictures, a spam guard of sorts.

Psst, Orpington doesn't have an "h" in it. Common mistake, though.

Here's a pic of my "girl!" My son has named her Shimmy because we aren't sure if he's a she, lol! "She's" about 16 weeks old.
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