Pionus or caique


9 Years
Nov 11, 2010
Do any of my fellow bycers have any expirience with these im going to school and wanted either of these as a pet school is my main issue everything else with these guys looks good so which would be better since i got to school
I'd recommend waiting until after school is done if you can... so much can change at this point in your life, and sometimes different living situations don't allow our parrots, as terrible as it is. I am not trying to be a downer, but both species need a lot of time and it is unfair to a parrot-- they don't understand the concept of school or why you are not there.
IMO, pionus. Nothing against caiques, but pionus are (generally) quieter and more mellow although, there are always exceptions. Besides, pionus just smell so good.

I do tend to agree, wait until after you're done with school. All parrots need lots of attention and would be unhappy left alone for hours at a time.

I adore my Amazons, though. You may look into those, too.

Amazons are awesome, not necessarily a great 'first' bird, but absolutely awesome birds.

When you are ready, check out some of your local birds rescues. There are some terrific birds in rescue through no fault of their own. (4 of my 6 are rescues).
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If you're getting a bird before you're finished with school, consider the purchase and timing very carefully. I got my first amazon, a blue front named Popeye, when I was 14. When college time came around, he came with me. He unfortunately died from a mysterious infection, despite the efforts of three different vet offices. It was a few years before I got my second amazon, a double yellow head named Sammy (see my avatar), and he has been with me through six moves (and number seven will be next year), sometimes sharing me with roommates and other times having me to himself when I lived alone. I wouldn't trade him for anything, but accommodating him as I returned to school and moved around was not very easy. You will have to decide now what to do if you have to move somewhere and can't bring your bird with you -- is there someone else in your family who will take the bird? If you're going to keep the bird no matter what, be prepared to search harder for a landlord and/or roommates who will accept you both. It's not impossible, but you must accept that there will be added difficulties until you own your home. If you don't have someone who will care for your bird while you're away, you can forget about spring break or going on vacation unless you bring the bird along with you. I'm fine with that in my life (I admit I'm a tad odd), but not every one will be. Will you?

Yeah, I've got to agree with the others here. I would LOVE to adopt my favorite bird at the sanctuary where I work who is a moluccan cockatoo but I have to wait until I am done with school and somewhat settled into a lifestyle. I would feel terrible leaving an intelligent bird like that at home and away from me and it is fairly difficult around here to find apartment complexes that allows pets, let alone birds.

However, people HAVE done it successfully, but I have always found it to be much easier keeping a small animal like a gecko or a fish which requires less care and gives you some freedom.
I have a black headed Caique. He is LOUD, opinionated and demands and requires attention. I spend at least an hour with him daily, physically interacting with him. He's my little green chicken, and the man of the house. When he's not trying to boss me around, he's a snuggler. But usually, he's bossy. He was a rescue, but if I were to go looking to buy a bird, I would not choose a Caique. Caiques are very active, inquisitive birds. Lots of energy there. Did I mention they're LOUD?
Depending on what level of school you are headed to, undergrad/grad/professional.... you might want to wait. Even if they are your best buddy, neighbors, roommates... might not feel the same way. Life changes A LOT during school, and really, you should be concentrating on school as a full time job and a half as it is the best time to do things that will impact your future forever.
Something else to think about. Every morning before I leave for work I have to make sure he has fresh water, seeds and pellets, and fresh foods. There's no rushing out the door for me. I have to chop his fresh fruits and veggies. It's a chore. I have to plan my shopping to make sure I have fresh fruit and greens in the house and then prepare them every morning so he has them fresh for the day. It's a responsibility and no one in my family can do it if I can't because they are all afraid of him. He will lay on his back in my hand, let me kiss his beak and scritch his pin feathers, clip his nails and generally lets me do anything to him. But he HATES anyone else in my family. So the responsibility is mine alone.
my Pionus Fred ,was NOT quiet...ever. He even mumbled when covered at night...Literally.He wanted to be with me ALL the time. The only hookbill i've ever had that was more needy was, an umbrella cuckatoo.
never had a caique so i can't say aside from the fact that i've been told they are EXTREMELY intelligent and snuggly. which makes me think ..high maintanance like most parrot species. Afterall they ARE flock creatures,depending on others to watch their back and groom them and otherwise interact with them.

i also agree with Silkiechicken who wrote this:
Depending on what level of school you are headed to, undergrad/grad/professional.... you might want to wait. Even if they are your best buddy, neighbors, roommates... might not feel the same way. Life changes A LOT during school, and really, you should be concentrating on school as a full time job and a half as it is the best time to do things that will impact your future forever.

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