Playmouth Rock, is it too early to tell?


8 Years
Sep 1, 2011
Hi All, I'm new to the beautiful chicken ownership. We got almost 4 weeks ago, two Playmouth Rocks and two Buff Orpyntongs. They all seem to get along really well and they all look pretty much alike, expect one of the P. Rocks, looks slightly smaller, less white and her tail also looks different. It points down and the colors of the entire little girl are also less bright then her sister's. Am I getting paranoid? I'm really worried that are not both hens because I don't want a roos and I will need to start the process ASAP with hopefully new hens. I will hate to part with one of the them. What do you think? I have read that one can start telling at about 6 weeks, but the differences are just a bit big to ignore. Thanks for your input.

Here are my two Playmouth Rocks

Now you can see the difference on their tails, one points up and one points down. The one that points up also has much light color, brightness of her white while the other one less feathers and darker.



Can you tell the difference or am I worried for nothing.. is it too soon to tell?
It's hard for me to tell. It is a little lighter, but not as light as most roos I've seen. It does have more comb, but the legs don't look thicker. I'd wait and see.
If they are pure BR's, then by coloring, they are both pullets. I've only seen 1 case here of a barred rock with pullet coloring turn out to be a male. (It's really rare, but can happen)

Barred rock males feather in much lighter like this (photo at 6 weeks):
I would say those are girls, and if they are Barred Rocks im 100% sure, because we were sold two "pullets" once and ended up with two roosters. At that age, they did not have that coloring; they were more of a white with black stripes, not black with white stripes(like yours). If it's a mix, then i can't say for sure (im not eloquent in the language of mixes...
) But those are some lovely chicks nonetheless!
Thank you all so much for your kind and intelligent replies. I really appreciate it.
I actually thought that the roos where the dark ones, not lighter ones.. guess I have lots to learn. Thank you!
Voting for two little ladies. Some of mine tend to get a comb early. Actually one of them was a runt and got comb and waddles way before the others, but is a girl.

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