Please answer me this question


12 Years
Jun 4, 2007
Central Arkansas
Why do people only want to buy fresh "brown" eggs? What's the difference? I was at our local store and I ask the lady if she was interest in buying eggs because they sell biscuit, egg, sausage sandwiches. She told me they buy the egg patties but she personally would be interested in brown eggs. I told her right now I only had 2 chickens that layed brown eggs and she told me if I could just hold out the brown ones for her she would buy them from me. Well, I'm sorry I'm not going to do that and only charge her a dollar.

I got 10 eggs today. White, blue, green, tan, and brown eggs.

there is not difference. i dont know!
Egg Patties? Eeewwww

That's just weird. I guess they think they have more flavor or something. They've always brought a higher price than white, but still, that's just dumb. Or they think brown mean organic or free ranged or something.
Why don't you ask her?

Or take your eggs, crack em into tupperwares or something - take em along and ask her which one is the brown one she wants? Number them or something under the containers....
tell her its a trick question!
Hens that produce brown eggs are larger than white-egg-producing hens, and require more feed and care; that extra expense is passed on to the consumer. Although it might be cheaper to raise white-egg-producing hens, brown eggs continue to sell well, so they’re still a smart business choice for farmers.
I think its a holdover from the white bread vs. whole wheat bread thing, perception is they are more wholesome.

I tend to lean toward the brown eggs too, and I have hens that lay both. I guess I associate the white eggs as plain jane everyday grocery store eggs.

Never thought about it much.


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