May 17, 2012 #1 kjt135 Chirping 7 Years Mar 26, 2012 102 1 89 Small town KY n No idea on these 3 Pretty sure these are roos 9 weeks old
May 17, 2012 #2 crumptz Chirping 7 Years Mar 22, 2012 152 5 93 Mountain View, CA That buff orp is a hen. Cant see the other ones. I wouldn't be so sure yet about the RIR. Wait a while longer...
That buff orp is a hen. Cant see the other ones. I wouldn't be so sure yet about the RIR. Wait a while longer...
May 17, 2012 Thread starter #3 kjt135 Chirping 7 Years Mar 26, 2012 102 1 89 Small town KY Thank you so much--- the rest of the buffs look just like the one in the photo so i should have 3 hens thank you thank you.As for the RIR They are same age one is bigger was hoping for a pair till they both got combs and wattles Thanks again
Thank you so much--- the rest of the buffs look just like the one in the photo so i should have 3 hens thank you thank you.As for the RIR They are same age one is bigger was hoping for a pair till they both got combs and wattles Thanks again
May 17, 2012 #4 GreyhoundGrrrl Chirping 10 Years May 5, 2012 91 8 91 Madrid, NM I agree about the Buff Orpington, she is even older than mine and her comb is just as small. Not familiar with RIR's so I can't say anything there. Anyway, I second Crumptz on the Buff's
I agree about the Buff Orpington, she is even older than mine and her comb is just as small. Not familiar with RIR's so I can't say anything there. Anyway, I second Crumptz on the Buff's