Please help-----Has anyone used Dr Bronners Castile Liquid Soap-Peppermint for mice/rats/vole??


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
I read an post on here on ridding rats from the chicken pen. Someone mentioned using Dr Bronners Castile Liquid Soap-Peppermint mixed with water. We have never had an issue before. We have had a pretty mild winter here in NY. The ground is certainly not frozen. I have been finding holes everywhere and poops in the nesting boxes. I'm scared and grossed out.
We put water down the holes and the cats caught two....I know there are more. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
I use tamper proof bait boxes and chunx poison. I put one right in the run next to feed or in a corner of run (where rats travel) and one in the shed that the feed is stored. I store feed in metal can but also take feed from run each night and put in shed. I set the feeder right on the tamper proof box in shed at night.

Been using this form of poison for three years now and not had any problems. Only once was a dead rodent on lawn, put in trash, and never had problem with the three house cats that regularly patrol outside.


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