Her toe is broken,no cause for alarm she will be fine. You can try and wrap toe in correct position to heal,but if she pulls off wrap,just leave it alone. Worst case scenario,she will end up with a crooked toe.
She was 'played' with by the neighbor's dog, after she got over the fence. She has additional injuries, however they are minor.. Missing lots of feathers, scratch marks. Thank goodness no punctures, nor torn skin. She is eatting and drinking, and is separated from her flockmates.
Clean the scratches,apply antibiotic ointment(nothing ending in "cane/caine' toxic to birds). Give her electrolytes if she still appears stressed/shock.
I agree with Ten Chicks. Although when wrapping the toe, I would suggest that you put in a piece of cardboard about the length of her toe and about as wide as her toe if not a little wider. Hope she gets better soon!