I have seven chicks and I will write above the picture what they were sold to me as. They are all two weeks old and I am most interested in knowing about number three since it was sold to me as a Buff. Thank you in advance!!
1. Black Copper Maran
2. Barred Rock -- This one is growing much slower than the other Barred.
3. Buff Orpington -- I'm really beginning to think that this one is not a buff...
4. "Ameraucana" aka easter egger. This one is tiny and doesn't seem to be growing as fast as the others.
5. Buff Orpington (really hope this is one!)
6. Barred Rock
7. Rhode Island Red
1. Black Copper Maran
2. Barred Rock -- This one is growing much slower than the other Barred.
3. Buff Orpington -- I'm really beginning to think that this one is not a buff...
4. "Ameraucana" aka easter egger. This one is tiny and doesn't seem to be growing as fast as the others.
5. Buff Orpington (really hope this is one!)
6. Barred Rock
7. Rhode Island Red