PLEASE HELP! My GIrl can’t walk any more


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2018
Los Angelas County, California
Her left leg keeps stretching straight forward and can’t support her body, please see picture. She is eating and drinking normal. Does it look like a mislocated hip?

It’s hard to find a bird doctor in my area, any feedback is greatly appreciated.
She is my favorite one...


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:( I wish I knew why... Maybe separate her from the rest until you figure it out so the other chickens don't mess with her? You could always try some electrolytes and vitamins in her water. They sell small packets at Tractor Supply. Idk if you have one by you. I always like bringing my chickens indoors to observe them if there is an issue. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me will see this post and help you out.
I would check her leg over for any injury that may lead her to not put weight on it. Then I'd make sure she can move it and has feeling in it just to rule some things out. I read somewhere that tucking a toe underneath their foot and seeing if they fix it because it is uncomfortable is a good way to tell. Other than that, I can't give a definitive answer. But it might help narrow it down.
How old is she? Can you post a video of her walking (or hopping... whatever she can do). I am wondering if she has Marek's. Hard to tell what's going on with her leg in the photo. If it's Marek's, the only thing you can do is supportive care. If it's an injury, forced rest (like confining her to a small area) would help. Is she roosting normally?
Thanks for everyone’s reply. She is 3.5 months old, no open wounds on her leg or hip. She can move the leg but very hard. This site doesn’t take .mov file, so I can’t upload a video. Can someone tell me what type of video file it takes?
I would also investigate Mareks as a possibility. Injuries or vitamin deficiencies are common, but Mareks can cause weakness in one or both legs or wings, imbalance, and chickens may use wings to balance. Mareks disease has to be confirmed with a necropsy after death. Contact your state vet for info. Sorry that she is having problems.
Sorry about the late response. It has been a hectic week. Below is the link for the video.

I took her to see a vet that can treat birds last Sunday, this Tuesday and today (Saturday), the vet believes she has bacterial kidney infection (because her muscles on chest are thin) that affected her nerves on leg. The vet refused my request of blood work because he stated studies show blood work doesn’t help on diagnosis for birds.

The vet tried 2 types of anti-inflammation shots and 2 types of anti-biotic, none worked. Her fecal test result is normal. I asked the vet if this may be caused by virus (like marek’s disease) instead of bacteria, he said no.

She still appears eating and drinking normal, but doesn’t have much energy and doesn’t grow either. I feel she is getter weaker and weaker.

I am devastated. The vet doesn’t think she can survive, but I don’t want to give up on her even though I have spent hundreds of dollars on her medical bills.

Anybody that can share knowledge or experience on possible treatment is greatly appreciated.

Sorry about the late response. It has been a hectic week. Below is the link for the video.

I took her to see a vet that can treat birds last Sunday, this Tuesday and today (Saturday), the vet believes she has bacterial kidney infection (because her muscles on chest are thin) that affected her nerves on leg. The vet refused my request of blood work because he stated studies show blood work doesn’t help on diagnosis for birds.

The vet tried 2 types of anti-inflammation shots and 2 types of anti-biotic, none worked. Her fecal test result is normal. I asked the vet if this may be caused by virus (like marek’s disease) instead of bacteria, he said no.

She still appears eating and drinking normal, but doesn’t have much energy and doesn’t grow either. I feel she is getter weaker and weaker.

I am devastated. The vet doesn’t think she can survive, but I don’t want to give up on her even though I have spent hundreds of dollars on her medical bills.

Anybody that can share knowledge or experience on possible treatment is greatly appreciated.

I am so sorry... :(
I really hate to disagree with your vet, but she has a lot of the signs for Mareks disease. He or she may not be up to speed on the virus, but it is found all over the world. If you are in the US Google “Metzer Farms—poultry and diagnostic labs.” There you will find a list of state vets and poultry labs, where you can contact to arrange a necropsy if you lose her. That is the best way to identify Mareks disease. I would keep her comfortable, offer food and water within her reach.

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