Please help! Need med advice


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
My hen Lucy had a bad case of bumble foot. I took her to a local exotic vet and he started her on 1.5 ml twice daily of antibiotic (trimethoprim sulfa, i believe) and performed surgery to cut out the infection. When I took her back Tuesday for her follow up he said that the culture of the bacteria showed that is was resistant to the antibiotic she was taking and that he needed to change her to a different one. She is now on 2.5 ml twice daily of Augmentin and has had diarehea ever since. I noticed that it is almost twice as much as before. Does that dosage seem correct?? Coule it be that we're giving her too much, 5 ml a day seems like a lot for such a small animal. I'm sure he is a very good vet but admitted that he doesn't have much experience with chickens. I started her on yogurt last night but she still has the diarehea today. He wants to discontinue this and give another med again. I really can't afford this tho. I've already spent over $500. Anyone have any suggestions or know anyone I can contact for advice? I saw on another post awhile back a guy who sells antibiotics who they said is an expert and can give advice however I can't seem to bring up that post again. Please help my baby!! Thanks!!



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just wanted to clarify, twice as much in reference to the dosage not the diarehea. she didn't have that before.. oh and i've been giving her extra water and fruit to try and prevent dehydration.
The diarrhea is probably cause by the augmentin. That antibiotic is strong and will give humans diarrhea, humans are supposed to eat something when you take that antibiotic, so it might help a bit if you give your baby something to eat before giving the antibiotic. I hope someone else has some advise for you.

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