Please help! Scaly leg mite?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
I have a Polish Crested hen that I recently had to separate from the other chicken because she got almost all her head feathering pecked by the others (Old English Game Bantam rooster and his 2 hens and a Silkie). I also have two new 9 week old Rhode Island chicks in a separate pen.

One day last week the Polish hen got "lame." She has been now treated with Tylan and Albon. I have also added Apple Cider Vinegar to their water. I have also started adding Vaseline to the Polish hens legs bacause they looked very crusty and I have just learned about the scaly leg mite. Silkies legs look also very crusty but she is doing great & laying eggs.

After the Vaseline tratments the Polish hens legs have been losing the crust and she is moving a bit more. I think she has a scaly leg mite? I don't understand that how did she get it. Stressed?

My co-worker told me about Ivermectin. I should give it to all the chicken 0.2 mg/kg orally now, and then again in 10 days? Sounds OK?

Do I need to treat their coop & how?

Any other ideas? Please help me.

Many Thnaks,
* Sounds like it. Any oil/grease-based product ought to smother them. Bag Balm, Desitin, whatever. Ivermectin should kill any that maybe you can't see yet, and whatever other mites and parasites, except tapeworm. ED: Do remember that you are not supposed to eat or sell eggs of recently treated hens. I give them to the dog.
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Does the immunity of the bird have to do something with scaly leg mite infestation? The other birds seem to be just fine (except the Polish; the Silkie has scales but she is fine).

Do regular feed stores or Home Depot or Lowes sell "Sevin?" and should I put it in the chicken coop after cleaning it??

Is Scaly leg mite likely to come back in the future if I just can get rid of it now?


Kanat, NC

This is exactly why I am confused. There are SO MANY ways to treat this condition!!!!!!!!

Kanat, NC
Does anybody have a picture so I can see how it looks like
hey guys & girls,i had that problem a few month back,i dipped there feet in crisco oil and that solved that problem,haven;t had any leg mites problem lately.
Vaseline has already helped
I gave them Ivermectin today and cleaned and applied Sevin to the coop.

I feel bad that the mite got so far and "ate" the Polish hens legs before I noticed! She must be more sensitive to them than the others?

Kanat, NC

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