Please help us determine the breed of these chicks! Photos inside!


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Lamar, AR.
We bought a few bantams from Atwoods in Clarksville. We also bought some chicks from their heavy bin as well. We bought 50 total but these have us really stumped. There are 8 chicks below with 2 pics of each one. The first 6 are bantams the last two are heavies. I think we have a lot of OEGB in here.

The only one I'm pretty sure about is the Partridge Silkie (second one down). And even that could be wrong
But your chickens are really lovely.
Haha we have silkies about the same age and they all look like that! The last one's coloring looks just like our Partridge Cochin roo, but obviously doesn't have feathered legs and doesn't really look like a rooster to me, so I'm not sure. I'm not very good with bantam breeds. My guess on the first large fowl would be an EE roo, but he could also be some rarer breed I don't know about. Congratulations on your chickens! We just got ours in February and I love them so much.
I have two hens I am looking to be identified. We purchased approximately 30 chickens from a gentleman who had to sell his due to having a stroke. We believe that some if not all were purchased from a hatchery and these were the "surprise" chicks they were sent for purchasing a specific volume. One of these hens are smaller (maybe bantam) than the others but they are both smaller than the Dominques and Buff Orpingtons which make up most of the flock. They have great pecking others, and they are very good foragers. If only they layed larger eggs I would love to have more. Anyone's help is appreciated.

I am new to chickens and the last picture looks just like one that we have. I was told that it was a Rhode Island Red but I have no idea and I am still trying to figure it out and we also think one the two that we have that color may be a rooster! He just started to get some green on his feathers too. he is beautiful. Like I said I'm not sure if it's a RIR or not but that's what I was told. I have a thread on here asking what breed everyone thinks they are so if I get a good answer I will let you know. We also bought ours at Tractor Supply in Griffin, GA around the end of February some time so not sure where you got yours.....but out here they just have a huge mix and you never know what you are going to get!
I'm thinking the first one is maybe a mille fleur OEGB rooster, the second is a partridge silkie, 3rd is a red pyle OEGB hen, 4th is a silver fawn OEGB, 5th is a crele OEGB, 6th a mottled jap anese bantam, 7th is maybe some kind of EE with no muff or beard, and the last I hope is some kind of barnevelder or penedesenca (i'm hoping)
Black Breasted Red OEGB rooster
Red Pyle OEGB pullet
Blue Mottled OEGB pullet
BB Red pullet
Mottled Japanese pullet I think
Crele ?
Partridge pullet, but legs are wrong color for a Plymouth Rock
Aww, congratulations!!! Aren't they just the greatest little guys in the world? I LOVE our babies. Thanks for all of your help and info. : )

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