****PLEASE HELP****Very Very Bloody Poop****


12 Years
Jun 27, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
Hi Everyone,

I am desperate for help. I have a 12 week old pullet who has been pooping almost watery poo. In the past few days we noticed blood on the end of the poop. Now she is passing all blood-I pulled apart the poo & there is blood through & through. Now the watery poo is very bright read. She eats wekk, very active and does not act sick. I have however moticed she is very very skinny all of a sudden. I read on here it could be Cocci? I have separated her from my other chickens as of this morning. We are going to disinfect the coop, remove all the old hay. All my chickens are on medicated feed. I have never wormed anyone. I do keep DE in the coop and pens as a preventative. If it is Cocci how do I treat it

1. Is this a serious illness?
2. Is it contagious?
3. Can they die from this?
4. If it is Cocci how do I treat it

Thank you all so much
Oh my goodness! I don't know enough about that to help but I sure hope someone replies soon!!!!
Surely sounds like Cocci. I would start treatment with Corid (Amprolium) right away. It isn't going to hurt anything and with that much blood she is probably already suffering internal damage.

You can also take a fecal to the vet and ask them to check it for cocci. Any vet (dog, cat) can check for this but you need to tell them to look for it, as well as any other possible parasites. I hope everything works out for your pullet.

If it's Cocci it can be contagious. You treat with Sulmet. Follow directions on bottle. Yes, they can die from it. I would also add vitamins and a probiotic to her diet. If you feed yogart that will work for the probiotic otherwise you can get some at the store (I use probios). The vitamins add to their water. This way you are treating her for the illness and giving her the extras she needs as her body is loosing them with the illness. Oh, and if you treat one you should treat them all. Although it is a good idea to keep her separated and in a warm draft free spot.

Jody you type faster.
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I do plan on treating everyone. Do I give yogurt to everyone? What kind of vitamins do I use. I have polyvisol with Iron here at the house. Do I use Sulmet & Amprolium? With the amout of blood she is passing (all blood at this time) does she have a chance? I have only had her 3 weeks. I guess I should call the lady I got her from and tell her huh?
If you have just had her 3 weeks likely she got the cocci when she came to your place. Cocci are odd that way, they are around all the time and if your chcikens are used to being exposed to them they don't get sick from them. However if you bring a new one in and it is not used to the cocci type you have it gets sick.

However you mention they are on medicated feed. It would be unusual for her to get this sick. I would have her tested for sure, for cocci and worms. Also consider injury if she is pooping pure blood. I would isolate her and at this time not medicate the others till you know what it is. Also isolation will keep her at rest in case she is hurt.
Polyvisol (according to dlhunicorn)-" four drops of POLYVISOL in the beak once a day for a week then taper off the next."-I'm not to sure about the poly/iron though. Does anyone know if they can have the type with iron? Otherwise you can buy vitiamins made for chickens at many farm supply or feed stores.

You can give live cultured yogart to everyone as a treat. From what I've read usually it is fed mixed with oatmeal or some of the crumbles or something similar.

As for the antibiotics, use only one. If you have corid go ahead and use that. I know of others who have used the Sulmet too. But use only one at a time. If you're going to take a stool sample to the vet take the sample before treatment and hold off treating the others until you have the results.
I took Hattie to the vet and they are going to check her poop to see what is wrong and treat her accordingly. I have to call them back at 4pm to get the diagnosis and pick her up. This Avian vet is wonderful. She doesnt get many chickens in. She gave me loads of helpful information about feed, scratch, etc.....

I appreciate everyone answering my post, and I will let ya'll know the outcome.

*OMG!!! YOU FOUND A CHICKEN-FRIENDLY VET JUST LIKE THAT?!?!? OMG!! WHERE DO YOU LIVE??? Your girl is probly gonna need a dab of vitamin K if she's bleeding that bad. . .Hope she makes it.

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