Please help!!! What breed is this?!?!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
These chicks were bought about 6 weeks ago as Rhode Island Red when they were days old. So they are roughly 6 weeks old. Can anyone tell me what breed the two white ones are? Is it too early to tell the sex of all of them? Your opinions are appreciated!!





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I am not sure any of them are purebred RIR's. The red and gold ones look like sex-links to me. The two white ones appear to be roos and maybe are Delawares??
the red ones are production reds and the first one is a boy, the other two seem to be pullets but I can't promise anything
the white ones are red sex link boys.
What si the difference between a production red and a red sex-link? If the first one that is red and a boy, why are the white ones red-sex-link and boys? I thought a red-sex link was the same as production red. My ignorance...I have never seen a RSL boy!
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. A production red is a hatchery quality rhode island red. true rhode island reds are much darker. sex links happen when you breed a white rooster (rhode island white, delaware, white rock) to a red/barred hen (production red, barred rock, new hampshire). The chicks from the white to red parents will be white if they are boys and red if they are girls, these are red sex links. black sex links come from white to barred breeding, the chicks will be solid black for girls and black with a white spot on the head for boys.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. A production red is a hatchery quality rhode island red. true rhode island reds are much darker. sex links happen when you breed a white rooster (rhode island white, delaware, white rock) to a red/barred hen (production red, barred rock, new hampshire). The chicks from the white to red parents will be white if they are boys and red if they are girls, these are red sex links. black sex links come from white to barred breeding, the chicks will be solid black for girls and black with a white spot on the head for boys.

Production red is a term for red chickens bred for high lay rates and good feed efficiency. They generally have both RIR and NH in their background but don't meet standard for either breed.

Red sexlinks are made with a red breed rooster and a white breed hen. Male chicks have white down, females have red.

Black sexlinks use a barred hen bred to a red rooster. Male chicks are barred (white head dot). The females can have some red in their down but are predominantly black as chicks and will show varying amounts of red in their adult feathers.
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TY I know how they are produced and which breeds are used. I didn't think these were pure RIR because they were too light but thought maybe they were of a poor quality. Which isn't bad if you just want eggs and chickens. I don't show. I just didn't realize that the roos had so much white and also black in their color. I had also thought that a red sex-link was the same as production red. Thanks!!
I honestly think that these chickens are NOT production red, sexlink, RIR, or NH but rather typical barnyard mixes. Perhaps a pairing of production reds and sexlinks. Lots of funky stuff can shake out when you breed hybrids together. I also think they are all male. 6-7 weeks is very early for that much red comb.
I agree on all roos, except, maybe photo 2. That ones comb looks smaller and less red, but its a bad angle to see that. I would also agree on RSL to RSL mix. If the one is a pullet you shoud have a good layer.
Thanks for your input I appreciate it. I was afraid I had mostly roos if not comes the decision of which one to keep (after I know for sure of course) :)

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