PLEASE HELP: What is this bloody worm-like object my hen just excreted? (Gross photo)


6 Years
Jul 17, 2013

Does anyone have any idea what on earth this disgusting thing could be?
Has anyone seen this before?
What would you suggest?

Thank you very much - I GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP. Love my chicken and don't want her to die.

Can't help on identifying what it is but in your position I would de-worm if you have not already done so.

Good luck

Does anyone have any idea what on earth this disgusting thing could be?
Has anyone seen this before?
What would you suggest?

Thank you very much - I GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP. Love my chicken and don't want her to die.

Welcome to BYC! How is she acting?

She is acting pretty normal: excited about food, moving around fine and normally.
Yes she has been to an aviary specialist and the emergency vet. No one really knows what's wrong with her.

Has anyone ever seen that before?
No the vet did not do a fecal check. Should I send it for a sample? Does it look like a worm? Do they get that big?
No the vet did not do a fecal check. Should I send it for a sample? Does it look like a worm? Do they get that big?
I would talk to the vet about checking for worm eggs, coccidia and bacteria. Would be two different tests, one's a fecal float, the other is a gram stain.

Did you feed her anything different in the last day or two? I had some really weird red wormy looking stuff myself that turned out to be nothing in a day or two after feeding blueberries or grapes. Apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons to a gal of water for a few days will deworm and be healthy too). Good luck
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