he is having heart cath done tomorrow with possible by pass. We have been on pin and needles. His doctor was on vacation and he didn't want anyone else to do it. So we had to wait 2 weeks. Can you say STRESS. I know God will watch over him and the doctors. Will be glad when we know what they find out.
Thanks for your prayers
Thank you sooooo much for the prayers. They were received and DH missed the by pass boat for now. He had 2 out of 3 arteries block 1 was 70% and other was 80% plus blocked. Will be in ISU for the next 2 days to make sure the stints are ok. The bad block was is a place that is hard to put a stint in if things hold he'll be ok. Small chance he'll still need the bypass. Keep your fingers crossed
Again thanks for the prayers

Thanks for your prayers
Thank you sooooo much for the prayers. They were received and DH missed the by pass boat for now. He had 2 out of 3 arteries block 1 was 70% and other was 80% plus blocked. Will be in ISU for the next 2 days to make sure the stints are ok. The bad block was is a place that is hard to put a stint in if things hold he'll be ok. Small chance he'll still need the bypass. Keep your fingers crossed
Again thanks for the prayers
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