Please tell me these 2 Ameraucana's are not cockerels.


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I have thought all along that these 2 were pullets, but being out there today with them I am thinking that they might be cockerels. I really hope there not, I have more than enough roo's and don't want more. LOL.









I have more pictures I can post if needed.
Yep, those would be boys.

Fortunately, they are very nice looking boys and you could probably get some money for them. List them on eggbid.

I have had people looking for splash and blue roos.
How old are they ? I have a 20 week old EE That often looks like a roo but no crowing. She has the same comb but its getting redder. She doesnt have the neck feather shaping as those do but at times she looks awful manly lol.
They are 26-27 weeks old. I have 4 other roos from the same hatch and they have obviously been roos for several weeks. I thought these 2 were pullets until I was out there today and noticed their feathers were looking different. They have been really slow to develop.
I think the blue is definitely a roo. The splash could go either way. I know the argument would be that the hackle feathers are pointy but my EE hen has pointy hackle feathers and there is absolutely no doubt that she is a hen since she is the only EE I have and she gives me a green egg 2 days out of every 3.

ETA: The comb on the splash is troubling though. I don't know about the genetics of Ameraucanas so I'm not sure if there are possible comb differences among one sex.
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