Please tell me this might be a pullet...


Aug 1, 2021
4.5 weeks old. Golden Laced Wyandotte. I feel like it's too red, it's tail is too small, wattles too big and though you can't see it...big feet. Though I've noticed wyandottes have big feets in general for some reason. It's also been an absolute character since day two. It'd charge me when I put my hand in the pen, flat out bit me many times, bullied the other chickens and it's always the first to try new food. In short, I like it. I don't want to have to eat it!

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I'll take "either way". It was bought as a pullet, so it _should_ be if the sexing didn't go awry at the hatchery. 🤞

Thank you!!
Most hatcheries have a 90% guarantee. It appears to me to be a pullet but hopefully you will post more pics as it grows. Good luck...
Here's pics from today. Also have a roo acting friend. This batch would be the worst ever. 1 died on the 1st day, 1 seems to have coccidiosis despite vaccination and I am treating but it's still too soon to tell if she's going to make it, and then 2 potential roos. Out of 6. 😭😭😭😭

Please tell me these still might be girls? The gold one is flat out _red_ in person, not pink. The blue one is not as red, but is pinker than I'd like, but has much more of a raised comb than I'd expect at this age. They are 5.5 weeks old.


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