Poland not eating lethergic constantly sleeping


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 23, 2007
Hi i hope theres some one on line now!! I have a 9 month old Poland called Diva as she constantly struts around with held held high well on Friday we noticed that she was acting quite strange and she had just laid an egg in the coop door way and she is normally a good layer and goes in the nesting box. any way we picked her up friday and she had hardly anything to eat. we brought her in as we thought she may have been cold but the past 2 days she has hardly touched any food and not drinking much in the way of water either although when i put her beak in water she will drink.

I have tried force feeding her and she is putting up a fight i have diluted a very small amount of gatoraid in some water to replace any electrolites she may have lost and feeding her some hard boiled egg (not hers i hasten to add!!)

she is falling asleep standing up and just generally feeling very sorry for herself. she has diarrhea which is yellow with alot of white matter in it

I really dont know what to do with her she is normally so active and digging around but she is standing in the same place constantly and sleeping.

Please Please help someone
How does her crop feel? Have you ever wormed her, and if so when? Does she have fever? I know there are lots of folks on here who might be able to help you diagnose her problem and offer suggestions. Hang in there!
sorry i forgot to mention that she did have matted feathers this morning where she has poo'd over night and not moved i have since given her a little wash and dried her completely. also she is the only "mature" female unfortunately for 2 mature roosters there are 2 other females (silkies) which are about 6 months who arent laying yet.

she is holding her tail low down and her wings .

I'm concerned that if she is like this for much longer that she will die very quickly
i have never wormed her? (shock horror!) i'm quite new to keeping chickens her crop feels quite spongy now that she has been drinking how would i know if this is it (as i though they ate alot with no or little egg production if they needed worming!)

or if it is a fever?

thanks for answering so quickly your a gem!!
at least 3 times yes (and i only cleaned her 45 -1hr ago)

has a black matter white lumps in what looks like a yellow water (nice eh?)
If you have Polyvisol children's vitamins, give her 4 or 5 drops. If you have apple cider vinegar, mix a Tblsp. in a gallon of water and see if she will drink some of that. If her crop is impacted, soak some bread in olive oil or mineral oil and try to get her to eat a few bites.
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Otherwise, keep her calm and warm in a quiet semi-dark room. If she perks up a little, it would probably be a good idea to get a stool sample to a vet for a fecal exam. Have you checked her feathers closely for lice or mites? Does she have any sort of discharge from eyes or nose?
theres nothing in her crop apart from water i have some childrens liquid multi vits would that be ok?
I wish dlhunicorn would see this. Most folks mention the Polyvisol by name, so I'm not certain. Maybe if you google both vitamins you can see what's the same or different about them. Plain probiotic yogurt is very good for digestion. I think you check for fever by feeling gently under their wings where they join the body. I've never done this.

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