polish chickens eye feathers trim?


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2021
im new to polish chickens. i had no idea what the chicks i got were...they were marked as mixed
bantum pullets Their headfeathers are getting out of control. Kramer (Seinfeld) cant see much. any advice about trimmimg around eyes? Kramer is now the flower like chick and the rest are needing a trim too.
How old are they? I may be the odd one out but as my Polish got older, her feathers got a lot better about staying our of her eyes. If you're free ranging, then it's probably a good idea to trim them so they're able to see any predators before it's too late. I guess it's personal preference and dependant on their safety. Some birds are not happy and actually end up unwell because their vision is obstructed so much.
Here's an old thread that answers the same question:

As long as the feathers have finished growing, it should be safe to trim them with scissors. Just be careful where you cut, so you don't poke the chicken's eye, or cut its comb, or something like that. (When a feather is actively growing, it's got a lot of blood inside, and will bleed if you cut it. By the time it looks like a normal feather, it's probably safe to cut.)

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