Polish chicks with Pheasants or Quail?

Here chicky chicky

In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 7, 2008
We have made it through our first year with chickens!

And of course it is now time to add to our flock.
My daugter is the flock owner and caretaker (and has done a fantastic job!) but her beloved White crested Black Polish hen was tragically killed last year. So, along with our egg layers, we will be getting three Polish chicks. We now have a seperate enclosure for our Polish to live since they simply can not see predators coming and are not safe out roaming the property. Our enclosure is plenty big enough to add some friends, but I want to make sure they can co-habitate. I am a little more worried about Pheasant, but Quail seem OK to live with our hens. Does anyone know if these guys and gals can live together? (they'd all start out as chicks together)

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There are some people who do this without problems though. Mine aren't in the pen but are directly next to them just separated by a fence. I haven't had a problem with this.
My buddy Gerry has raised chickens , pheasants,Mandarin ducks, & pigeons together in one of his enclosure for years (the duck just died he was 24 years old). Never had a problem from mixing. I put my gold pheasants in with his Cochin's about 3 months ago.

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