Polish, legbar, french black copper maran, millie fluer assortment.

Did you send a picture to the seller? :) I would be curious if he has dominant white in him and from what possible breeds :)
How this auction works, you check in your eggs, birds, equipment, etc. at 8am and you are assigned a lot ID letter (So sellers name isn't on the cage, carton etc. The ID letters are)... the auction starts at 5pm and a lot of sellers don't stick around and the auction company mails them their money in the form of a check. Unfortunately I have no idea who the seller was. 😭 I wish I did.
How this auction works, you check in your eggs, birds, equipment, etc. at 8am and you are assigned a lot ID letter (So sellers name isn't on the cage, carton etc. The ID letters are)... the auction starts at 5pm and a lot of sellers don't stick around and the auction company mails them their money in the form of a check. Unfortunately I have no idea who the seller was. 😭 I wish I did.
Oh boy! Sounds like it's going to be really hard to tell then. Maybe as he feathers out it will get a bit easier!

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