pomeranian geese?


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Outside the Boundries
i was looking at gettng a pair of pilgrim goslings for our "back yard" (weve got about 1/2 acre and are going to be adding 5 hens in the spring and mum wants "a goose" i told her she cant have just one...so were going to get a pair...)
and looking 1: pilgrims are hard to get ahold of lol
2: i stumbled across the sadleback pomeranians...

anyone have anymore info on the poms as compared to the pilgrims.
were looking fro a generally friendly breed, not too loud (ie africans lol) who will be good weeders and not too big.
I think you will fine that saddleback Poms are harder to get ahold of than Pilgrims. I think you can find write-ups on both breeds at
www.albcusa.org . I am fairly sure it ends .org not .com Good Luck!
We have several Pomeranian geese by the lake and I can honestly say that we only hear them when something out of the ordinary is going on. They are EXCELLENT "watch dogs" and I cant recommend them enough. I know that this is an older post but I am a new member and it was one of the first topics that popped up on my search.
I would look into Roman Tufted. They are small, friendly and not very loud. I highly recommend them. Love mine. Mine also are good parents and adoptive parents. Good luck in your search.

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