Poop around their buts?


11 Years
Jul 17, 2008
Colchester, Ontario Canada
Good morning!
I've noticed that 2 of my chicks have some poop on their buts. I checked and their vents are not obstructed but the poop is just stuck to the fluff under their vents. (Kind of like when a kid doesn't wipe himself properly - grin) Should I be concerned about this?
Yes you should... That is pasty butt... You need to get a warm cloth and loosen and remove any fecal matter from baby chicks.. It is an indication that they may be dehydrated so make sure they are having access to water at all times and if the pasty is left... More will accumulate and they won't be able to deficate properly and can die... So yep... good call... Remove pasty butt!!
Thanks! I just wiped their bums and will keep an eye on them. They do have water all the time and I've stuck their beaks in the water so they know where it is. I've also seen each of them drink so I don't know how they could be dehydrated.
I only get this when I have barred rock chics. Those are the only chics I have had to clean up. After I clean mine I usually take a qtip and swab their vents with olive oil. That seems to help.
Even if the cloaca isn't blocked when you check, I agree with the other poster about cleaning off the poo nearby. The next dropping could stick to the other droppings and clog up the hole, and you may not notice this until too late. Pasty butt can develop very quickly (over night even) and can be very serious for the chick.
Coat their butts with vaseline and the poop won't stick as much. Every now and then I'll have one chicks that has it for a week or more. I just have to keep it's butt clear everyday until it stops.

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