Poopy feathers


Grd Ctrl 2 Major Tom
8 Years
Jul 8, 2015
The great northwest!!!!!! Washington state
i have a 24 week New Hampshire red that is part of a nine bird flock. She started laying at 20 weeks. The only one...she layed about three eggs a week with a few soft shells in between. Her feathery bottom is always a mess... I trimmed her feathers but I think I lack skill as a barber and she continues to have a dirty bottom... She is only one egg a week now. Her vent is clear. She eats and drinks and is active... Should I be worried. Alice my 24 week old Minorca just layed her first egg today... Would that freak Ethel out???
Hi there,

With soft shells, try offering her a calcium source, such as oyster shells.

Not sure about why she would lay less eggs.. Another hen starting shouldn't affect that. How many nest boxes do you have? Does she lay around the same time of day as the Minorca? Is it possible she saw it as full and laid somewhere else? She should be laying more eggs per week.

Hope this helps!

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