This is Poppy, an araucana chick, the night of hatching. The down still has dried egg gook so (s)he looks funny at the time this was taken.
Poppy really took a liking to the food dish.
Now this is one tired chick
Poppy was named for its solid black color plus being so small when hatching it looked like a little poppy seed. Poppy was the only egg of four to hatch so I have it in a box in my living room since there are no buddies to keep company. I have 50 pullet chicks coming next month and that will aleiviate the problem. I am really hoping this bird is a female, it also has a very small tuft on the left side of its head.

Poppy really took a liking to the food dish.

Now this is one tired chick

Poppy was named for its solid black color plus being so small when hatching it looked like a little poppy seed. Poppy was the only egg of four to hatch so I have it in a box in my living room since there are no buddies to keep company. I have 50 pullet chicks coming next month and that will aleiviate the problem. I am really hoping this bird is a female, it also has a very small tuft on the left side of its head.