Porcelain d'Uccle Molting???


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Wetumpka, Alabama
We're new to the Porcelain d'Uccles. We've had Mille Fleur d'Uccles, but we are newbies to the Porcelains.

We have a rooster that we "rescued" from Tractor Supply (He was getting picked on terribly and we felt sorry for him) and I have some chicks that I got from hatching eggs. We LOVE these birds! Our rooster is so sweet! He is without a doubt the sweetest on our farm.

Today, I was out cleaning their coop and when I picked him up, I noticed that he's got some patches on his "shoulders." I think he might be molting, but I'm not sure. My other birds molt all over in small patches and not quite so aggressively as this appears to be.

Is he molting here....or is this something else?
I have had no experience with the Porcelain d'uccle's before and I thought it was queer that it was molting deep yellow feathers. It almost looked stained.

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