Post pics of your newly hatched/day old chicks!

Farming Frenzy

6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Kerikeri New Zealand
Do you have any newborn chicks? Post pics of them here!
What do you think is the best breed of hen to look after chicks?
How often does your hen go broody?
When is the right age to sell them?
What age can you tell the roosters/hens apart?

The Reddish/Brown chick to the far right, hatched on Tues. her/his name is Lollypop, the yellow & black hatched on Wed. her/his name is Lilly, and the black one to the left is Daisy, who I helped out of it's shell on Wed.
Daddy is a black Silkie - Mama's could be a Buff Orp, NH Red & a Black Aust. We have a 4th that I helped to hatch yesterday, and is black like Daisy,, her/his name is Rose, it is dry & fluffy now, so I need to get a picture of all 4 together.

My youngest holding Lollypop.

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