Poult Sex


9 Years
Mar 12, 2012
Middle Georgia
These bourbon red poults are 2 to 2 1/2 months old. I was wondering if there was a way to tell what sex they are yet?

When do they get the snood thing growing in? Or start gobbling? Thanks for the help! I got another vote on my facebook that all three were males, so I hope you all are right. I just wanted 1 female at least.
It's not impossible that they are all males, but the caruncles on the back two go lower down the neck than on the one in front. The two in back are also blushing a bit more. Males are more reactive than females in that way. Hens also seem to be friendlier in my experience. That may depend on the breed. I've only had white turkeys and bronze turkeys.

Hard to say about the gobbling. I've seen tiny poults trying to gobble. The ones I had last year didn't start for a couple of months at least. I was really beginning to wonder about them. I did sex them correctly before they started, so it's always nice to have confirmation. Lol.

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