poultry auction WOODSTOCK On, Canada...March 21 ..


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
Hello everyone...

I have been told that there is an upcoming poultry auction in Woodstock Ontario Canada within the next few weeks...

my "source" was not sure of the date...

can anyone who may live near Woodstock help me with info???

I was supposed to get easter eggers from a friend who was going to try and hatch for me this spring but her hen was killed by a hawk... she has one left but i think she is concerned about getting roos and they can be hard to rehome...

I have a plan "B" to get my EE or Ameraucana's from performance poultry but thats a 8 hour round trip for me...

can anyone help me PLEASE......

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I just posted a bunch of events on "other poultry"

the date is March 21 in Woodstock


I don't have a phone contact number or better info than that. I copied the string from another site.

you could contact the feather fancier (google it)

if Easter eggers are what you want, I know of a local breeder that might be able to send you eggs

Good luck, Bert
I am going to the auction

gonna wear my BYC hoodie

gonna get me some more chickens
Three more events:

One in Paris March 15, Paris fairgrounds (no idea who hosts it)

one in Mount Forest ontario (between toronto and owen sound)
Saugeen Valley Fur & Feather Fancier’s

Sunday April 26
Buy-Sell-Trade Day - 7:00 AM - Fairgrounds

Mount Forest, Ontario

and another in Woodstock

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Oxford Poultry & Pet Stock Association’s Box Auction

And Small Animal Sale - Poultry Building - 8:00 AM

Woodstock Ontariot Forest Ontario
thanks to baron he gave me all the info....

thank you so much...

we should have a unofficial meet and greet of BYC members there...

Timmies anyone?..lol

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