prayer needed now!


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Columbiaville, MI
for those who believe, not a debate please!

my husband just called from church reporting that my daughter's friend took 12 pills before church then started acting weird. my DD, who is 14, upon finding out, immediately, but quietly, went to the pastor to call EMS. they are waiting on an ambulance now, and the church body is praying.

if you are a believer, i ask you join them as well.

thank you and i am believing in advance that God has His wings and pinions around us! God's will be done!
Oh dear. I am not much of a pray-er, but my thoughts are with your daughter's friend...and your daughter. How sad and scary for her.
My prayers and thought will most definitely be with her. Please update us on the situation when you here the news.
at least she TOLD my daughter what she had done after being asked why she was not acting 'right'. my daughter is very mature for her age (she has helped me through seizures and knows when someone isn't acting 'all there') so thank God she told right away.
the minutes count in these situations.

i'm just going to keep praying and wait to hear what the status is.

thank you so much for your kind thoughts.

thanks, Vicki, they are going to need it.

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