Prayer request for a young girl with cancer


11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
The Hills of Eastern Ohio
I received an email tonight about this little girl from a neighboring community. I remember praying for her through her last round with cancer. Her story and picture are below....

The picture below is a little girl, she will be 8 this year. When she was 4 she had a brain tumor behind her eye. They had to remove her eye, and after several surgeries and chemo, they thought she had pulled through. Then this fall, they thought the cancer had come back. She had to undergo chemo again over the holidays - a daily trip to Cleveland for chemo - and yesterday when she couldn't walk, they found 4 tumors on her spine. She had surgery today - they think they were able to relieve the pressure, but the future is uncertain. Her name is Hallie Barnes. Please pray for her.



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