prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

We'll always be a work in progress, in my mind.
I believe that our lifestyle is important. I, personally, don't think that just believing in Christ saves us -- He gave his life for us, and it would be incredibly selfish for us to just assume that that means that we don't need to work for our salvation. After all, if someone helped you with something, you would want to repay them, right?
I don't think that I'll ever reach the point of assuming that I'm saved. I can hope for it, but in the end, I'll never know until I die, unless God outright tells me, or something -- and even if, by some crazy chance and example of His mercy and love, that ever happens, that still doesn't mean that I can live however I want. I can't go off and kill someone and do what I want and live a life of hedonism and pleasure -- that would be selfish, ungrateful, and terribly sinful of me.
Before I was saved ...
I always went to church Saturday (which was mass for Sunday) or Sunday
at 18 years old I had my own vehicle and sometimes I went every day or at least multiple times a week (the church I went to had 5 Sunday services and 2daily Monday to Friday
and no Saturday service)
I would take home a “missalett”
( I don’t know how to spell this word and the auto cell didn’t work )
and the glory & praise song book
( stealing from church)
I was living the way I wanted breaking God’s commandments
And calling my self a Christian.
While living in sin and going to church I was quick to say that I believed in Jesus and was going to heaven

My lifestyle did not line up with God’s word

1997 in my 30’s I was saved
He took away most of my sinful desires and left a few for me to get rid of with His help

My life style changed
God became first in my life
I started serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

I repent of my sins multiple times daily and
ask for help if I don’t want to stop what I’m doing if I know it’s wrong

Lifestyle of repentance and right standing
Today because of His grace and mercy I know I’m saved

and I have to watch what I hear see and do
and repent quickly when I slip and let Jesus pick me up

He is faithful

I pray that you find peace and comfort in knowing
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To me, salvation is a lot like being married. I know I am saved today in the same way I know I am married. Salvation is a relationship with Jesus Christ that I choose to maintain every day, but, as with marriage, I am free to depart from it at any time. Jesus will never divorce me or abandon me, for His faithfulness is everlasting. But I am human, I can fail. Jesus accepts and honors my choices, whatever they may be. He does not force Himself on me. I am not locked into this relationship. He gave me free will. He does not take it away when we choose to walk with Him.
We'll always be a work in progress, in my mind.
I believe that our lifestyle is important. I, personally, don't think that just believing in Christ saves us -- He gave his life for us, and it would be incredibly selfish for us to just assume that that means that we don't need to work for our salvation. After all, if someone helped you with something, you would want to repay them, right?
I don't think that I'll ever reach the point of assuming that I'm saved. I can hope for it, but in the end, I'll never know until I die, unless God outright tells me, or something -- and even if, by some crazy chance and example of His mercy and love, that ever happens, that still doesn't mean that I can live however I want. I can't go off and kill someone and do what I want and live a life of hedonism and pleasure -- that would be selfish, ungrateful, and terribly sinful of me.
You make some excellent points here, Saffy. I think you're right that we can never assume that our salvation is assured or promised no matter what we do. That would be presumption. Yet I do not think we can ever "repay" what God in Christ has done for us. We can express our appreciation, yes. We can live as He would have us live - but only by His grace and in His power and strength. Jesus is the infinite Son of God. His sacrifice was infinite. There is no way we can repay an infinite gift. Jesus tells the story of a man who was so deeply in debt, it is as if he owed as much as the national debt of a small country. He could not have repaid it over several lifetimes. Yet his creditor, knowing the hopelessness of the magnitude of the debt, forgave him. Then this man went to a co-worker who owed him something like $50 and treated him horribly. Instead of forgiving as he had been forgiven, he had his debtor cast into prison. We can never repay what we owe God. We can only show mercy to those who hurt us, remembering the great mercy God has shown to us and realizing that the debts others owe us are miniscule in comparison.
The chickens do not care about breed so don't worry about that. They are not prejudiced. To them a chicken is a chicken no matter the color of her feathers. Remember, they cannot really see the color of their OWN feathers! The only difference that matters to them is who is "new" to the flock and how that new chicken is going to fit in the pecking order.

Can your different groups see each other all the time? Most of us have good success with a method we call "see-no-touch". This means you want the birds to be side by side for a week or two with only chicken wire or hardware cloth between them. It's good to scatter a little scratch on both sides of this barrier so they get used to feeding next to each other, where there can be no conflicts. This way they get acquainted with no problems. Then when you remove or open the barrier, there are usually no problems at all. I just used this method myself for the third time, to integrate my 8-week old chicks with my 2- and 3-year old layers. No problems! Good luck!
Thank you Blue. It had gone fine all day and at night was a little different because the 2 new girls did not know the ropes yet but the first one got on the roost just fine. The Wyndottes have them in a dog crate inside the coop so they are not that exposed yo the outside but I will bring them out to the small run. Here are some pictures and you guys can see the opening on the top where they fly over. I was not thinking they would anyways. But yes they do see each other and eat close to the division line next to each other.

This was the set up for the new chicks
After 3 weeks I brought them from the garage here and they spent 2 nights there without getting out. I was working on how and with what to divide the run.
They did the see but don't touch and ate together in the division line.
But 3 days later, a leghorn was in the main run.
Here she was busted on how she got out. Silly chicken, just looked at the camera without covering her face. BUSTED!
So today when the other 2 leghorns escaped and it was my fault because it was dark and they were by the door but did not close the temporary door completely an dthey just squeezed out. Nothing happened all day. They had been fine. But like I said, it was weird to get them all in until they get used to where and what to do. Just got this fromthe camera. The cage at bottom is were the Wyndottes are sleeping tonight. Will get them one by one tomorrow morning and put themin their small run. They were pretty bored today and only one laid but I believe like you said, that it takes some time. 1015nightaccomodations.png

Hope this helps. Thank you.
Jeebers! Just looking at that picture of them roosting for the night, how in the world am I going to fit 3 Wyndottes there. Maybe winter could possibley be ok so they keep each other warm but summer comes, they will be pushing each other away. lol Reminded me of my kids when they wanted to sleep with me. They did all kinds of acrobat moves and I always had bruises,lol
Jeebers! Just looking at that picture of them roosting for the night, how in the world am I going to fit 3 Wyndottes there. Maybe winter could possibley be ok so they keep each other warm but summer comes, they will be pushing each other away. lol Reminded me of my kids when they wanted to sleep with me. They did all kinds of acrobat moves and I always had bruises,lol
There's plenty of space -- they'll just need to learn to share. Poke each other a little, fuss a bit to sort out their space, and they'll be fine. They compress quite a bit, and if they're too hot in the warmer months, then they'll just spread out around the coop (might even sleep in the nestboxes).
Three more shouldn't be too much.
@tripletfeb needs prayer for her aunt.

Here is her original post:

"I'm here to humbly ask for prayers. My aunt has been in an accident. She was hit by a van in a parking lot. She is in the hospital, unable to move. We are waiting to see how badly she was injured, it seems she may have broken her back, among other things. So if everyone can, please pray for Sister Clare Marie, that the Lord heals her body and keeps her soul strong🙏. Thank you"
@tripletfeb needs prayer for her aunt.

Here is her original post:

"I'm here to humbly ask for prayers. My aunt has been in an accident. She was hit by a van in a parking lot. She is in the hospital, unable to move. We are waiting to see how badly she was injured, it seems she may have broken her back, among other things. So if everyone can, please pray for Sister Clare Marie, that the Lord heals her body and keeps her soul strong🙏. Thank you"
Thank you @cherrynberry I just came here to post that!

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